For those struggling with fluid retention, cellulite, fatigue, and toxins in the body, a lymphatic drainage massage can be the perfect treatment option. It cannot only address a number of concerns but also ensure you leave us feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a natural, non-invasive therapy that contributes to a sense of balance and well-being. It’s a specialized, soft-touch massage technique designed to assist the natural flow of the body’s lymphatic system. Receiving MLD helps to remove toxins, reduce swelling, and promote overall health and relaxation.
MLD encourages lymph fluid to move more freely through the body, supporting detoxification, reducing inflammation, and enhancing immune function. It’s perfect for those seeking relief from conditions such as oedema, post-surgical swelling, cellulite, or swollen lymph. But beyond the benefits to your health, the massage is also deeply relaxing and can help improve your overall well-being.
Ideal candidates for lymphatic drainage massage are generally healthy individuals with realistic expectations of treatment and who are struggling with one or more of the following conditions:
It can also be used as a form of detoxification and pre- and post-surgery to help aid in healing.
Some of the benefits you can expect from the lymphatic drainage massage at iGlow include:
A lymphatic drainage massage helps to reduce swelling and fluid retention in the face, legs, arms, and anywhere you’ve had surgery.
By promoting the flow of lymph, the massage enhances the immune system’s ability to fight infections and illnesses.
The lymphatic drainage massage also stimulates blood and lymph flow, providing oxygen and promoting skin and tissue health.
This unique massage encourages the removal of toxins and waste products from the body, promoting your overall well-being.
Gentle movements used during the massage are deeply relaxing, reducing stress and tension throughout the body.
Lymphatic massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to move excess fluid buildup away from your tissues and toward working lymph vessels and lymph nodes to assist them in getting rid of toxins from the body.
Your provider will place light pressure and specific techniques to clear out the lymphatic system. The massage starts by stimulating the areas of the body where the lymph nodes are. We’ll massage the armpits, neck, and groin area.
After your lymphatic drainage massage, you may not see immediate results, but improvements will show up in the days and weeks after your appointment. Several sessions will likely be needed to notice significant improvements.
If you’re struggling with oedema, cellulite, chronic fatigue, and other conditions, a lymphatic drainage massage may be the perfect solution you’ve been looking for. To learn more, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation today! Call our Beverly Hills, CA office at (310) 928-2170 or use our online contact form.
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